You’re the Voice!


You're the Voice

I was reminded of the issue of free speech when I did my previous post about Paul Robeson, the great American singer, actor, footballer, activist for civil rights, working people, black people and what I would call an all-round Renaissance man. But he was black, faced endemic racism in the US and he crossed the Establishment when he fought for workers and black people.

I first saw Paul Robeson when I was a young kid at the Saturday morning children’s cinema in Ramsgate, Kent, England. He was in the movie “Sanders of the River” which was a godawful grovel to British colonialism and which Robeson very much regretted once he saw the final cut.

After that he kind of disappeared and I never gave him much thought until he surfaced on a radio programme (can’t remember which after all this time) where he sang over a transatlantic link to a…

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Author: Grandtrines

Like so many people, I am a paradox. I am a politically conservative vegetarian. I am from a Christian background, and still tend to like those values, but am a metaphysical astrologer trained in science who has an interest in the magic of ancient Egypt and a weird belief that some piece of our essence can live on a server. I live in Texas, but like chatting with my international Wordpress pals the best. I learn by teaching. Technically, I am a "Leo," but I am very, very Aquarian with a dose of Scorpio. I bitterly complain about Algol (and Algol personaliites), yet it is the one star that defines me most (other than Regulus). (Which, oddly, makes me an Algol personality.) I am a reclusive lover of peace and quiet who has the Ascendant in the Via Combusta (the most conflict ridden part of the zodiac). I am an incredibly private person with a blog with over 800 followers and 50 to 150 regular daily visitors. I could go on, but I think you get the picture.

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